Firm to develop no-cost house plans for the people of Lahaina who lost their homes to the fire

The team at Kasprzycki Designs Inc. is developing a plan to help Lahaina families who have lost their homes.
LAHAINA — The Aug. 8, 2023 Lahaina fire is an immense tragedy that has devastated our community and impacted countless families. This disaster has taken lives, leveled historic properties and exposed weaknesses in our infrastructure.
Through these heart-wrenching times, we have seen people rise up, jump into action and help where it is needed. It has been amazing to witness.
Atom Kasprzycki was born and raised in Hawaii and grew up in Lahaina. He owns an architecture firm in Lahaina with his wife, Jennifer Kasprzycki.
The couple, along with their team at Kasprzycki Designs Inc., have been in discussions since the fire developing a plan to help Lahaina families who have lost their homes.
In 2018, after the Kaua’ula Valley fire, the team at Kasprzycki Designs had the opportunity to help some of Atom’s Lahainaluna High School classmates and their families rebuild their homes by providing them with construction plans at no cost.
Today, in the wake of the 2023 Lahaina fire, the firm intends to help again on a much larger scale.
“We want to provide our community with exceptional designs that are affordable and efficient to build, meet the needs of individual families, and collectively reflect the original charm and character of old Lahaina. With over 2,000 structures destroyed, this will be a massive undertaking, even with all of Maui’s architecture firms involved,” the company noted in a press release Tuesday.
“Our team has come up with a way to help on a large scale without compromising quality.”
How it works
Kasprzycki Designs is asking anyone interested to provide them with their contact information, their property information, and a simple written program for their rebuild. Based on local knowledge and over 20 years of experience in architecture, the team believes that many people will naturally fit into groups based on their programs.
“We will carefully review the information we receive and thoughtfully create client groups based on similarities, including lot size and shape, dwelling size, single story or two story, bedroom and bathroom count, and other architectural features. We will then work with our client groups to develop a design that meets the client group program requirements. We will share our design iterations with the client group and update the design based on popular group feedback. Once the design is approved by the group, we will complete the plans for the individuals within that group,” the firm explained.
“There will be an opportunity for each member within the client group to personalize their home during the plan completion phase. We intend to provide exterior finish options that would allow an individual to select a general design style for their home that would be driven by roof finish options, exterior wall finish options, door and window style options, and other design style specific detailing. We also intend to provide mirrored plan options.
“Our state and county government, along with our County Council, are all working on a path to move forward. We believe that this may also include special support for permits in the disaster area. Once the plans are complete, and once we know the optimal path forward for permitting, we will assist individuals with obtaining permits for the reconstruction of their homes.
“For those who feel that this community project may not be right for them due to special requirements or needs, please reach out to us to find out about custom designs and how we can help you. We feel like the Ho’ōla Lahaina Project is a way to help the most people in the most efficient way.”
To reach Kasprzycki Designs Inc., call (808) 667-6116. For more information on the company and team, visit