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The Digital Bus Program redirects its resources to the West Side

By BY CINDY SCHUMACHER - | Sep 18, 2023

CAPTION: Dav Yuan, The Digital Bus program manager, says the bus has been a part of the Maui Nui community since 2004, and is now more popular than ever. PHOTO COURTESY OF DAV YUAN.

The Digital Bus is a mobile science, technology, and ‘Ike Hawaii classroom designed to supplement curriculum to the students of Maui, the Big Island and Molokai.

In 2004, the program was founded by Alaka’ina Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, to provide a free mobile classroom offering experiential education to students. The concept, to help students develop the skills and competencies they need to be effective leaders, has proved to be a successful method of extending learning into a field-based setting.

Given the recent wildfire tragedy, and the many displaced families, the Maui Digital Bus has made changes to its program. While many regular school programs are on hold, the Digital Bus is directing all its efforts and resources to the West Side keiki impacted by the recent fires.

Dav Yuan, Digital Bus program manager, explained the current circumstances. “I have redirected all of our Digital Bus resources,” he said, “from regular programming, to focus on displaced students, any of the keiki who lost their homes, or do not have any school left to go to. I am currently partnering with numerous organizations and families at community pop-ups located at various West Side beach hubs.

“The children are missing school. They want to learn. They are excited and happy to have a mobile classroom and the comfort of being in an organized space offering fun and interesting things to learn about. We are providing observation tools such as binoculars and microscopes, and the students are able to go out and find items to observe. They are learning how magnification can help with observation, and how Hawaiian cultural components are interwoven into science.”

In 2021, the management of the Digital Bus Program was transferred to the Maui Economic Development Board as one of their educational outreach programs to help expand the next generation of leaders and scientists. It is also a key factor in encouraging interest in science and technology among the underrepresented student population in grades K-12, the generation that will develop and support critical technologies for the island’s future.

The mobile STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) curriculum provides culturally-based innovative educational programs that also combine leadership with environmental stewardship.

Yuan described the program in detail. “The Digital Bus allows students to have meaningful science-based outdoor experiences in ahupua’a (land divisions) from which they can directly observe and learn about their own community’s resiliency and ecosystems. More importantly, students gain a deeper understanding of their rich cultural history, which includes the wisdom of ancient Hawaiians as environmental stewards.

“Participants have benefited from contact with local community members, specialists, and kupuna while also integrating cutting-edge technology such as water- and soil-testing equipment, data collection and mapping activities, and hands-on field activities. The Digital Bus lessons all meet the Department of Education Hawaii Content and Performance Standards, and the Next Generation Science Standards. Additionally, we ensure long-term impact via educator professional development opportunities and equipment lending programs for teachers. This ensures opportunities for technology integration into curriculum and classroom use.”

Yuan added, “In the future, when we are able to transition away from the smaller pop-ups, and the students are back in regular school settings, we will still be available for teachers to schedule Digital Bus sessions for their students.”

Yuan continues to reach out to organizations and families who want to schedule local pop-up Digital Bus visits. Projects are available for a range of grade levels and can be tailored to fit the needs of any group. The Digital Bus program provides everything needed for the students to benefit from the lessons.

For more information, visit the website www.digitalbus.org or @mauidigitalbus on Instagram.