Kihei Elementary students collaborate with Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset for third ‘Pennies for Polio’ Drive

Kihei Elementary School Student Council EarlyAct members — from left, Maikela Auld Rodrigues (grade five), Maya Connolly (grade four) and Jackson Fabric (grade three) — display their posters and collection jars for the “Pennies for Polio” collection campaign.
KIHEI – The Kihei Elementary School Student Council EarlyAct Group, consisting of 16 representatives from the third, fourth and fifth grade classes, have again joined forces with the Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset for their third annual Pennies for Polio Drive.
Led by staff members Joanne Laird, Alaina Valite and Michelle Bonilla, the students were introduced to Rotary International’s “End Polio Now Campaign.”
Council members made 60 posters for all classrooms and hallways, and provided collection jars that were delivered to each classroom teacher on Friday. Jan. 25.
A fact sheet about the “End Polio Now/Pennies for Polio” Campaign was sent home with each child, so that parents were aware of this collection campaign.
On Friday, Feb. 8, Phylecia Platte, foundation chair for the Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset, will collect all contributions.
American Savings Bank has offered to count and record each classes’ contributions. In 2018, students generated over $1,700 in donated funds.
There will be two class winners – one for each recess period – announced. The two winning classes will receive a Jamba Juice/healthy snack party from the Rotary Club members during their recess.
Collected funds will be sent to Rotary International’s “End Polio Now” campaign and will be matched 2:1 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The council members were surprised to learn that Polio is a disease that killed and crippled so many children in the 20th century.
Upon learning about this effort, all council members were eager to take part in the project to help Rotary end this disease in the world.
According to Student Council Adviser Laird, “This project is an example of one of the first principles of serving as a leader: Leadership is action, not selected position.”
Student Council members at the kickoff meeting said, “Let’s beat last year’s collections to help End Polio Now!”