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County to discuss shoreline erosion along Lower Honoapiilani Road at Kaopala Bay in Kahana at meeting

By Staff | Oct 25, 2018

NAPILI – The County of Maui Department of Public Works (DPW) will hold a community meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 30, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Maui Preparatory Academy Cafetorium to discuss shoreline erosion along Lower Honoapiilani Road at Kaopala Bay in Kahana.

Accelerated erosion has been observed since last November, and DPW has hired a coastal engineering firm to evaluate conditions and develop potential solutions.

The project team will present findings of their scientific study of the area, describe recommended temporary emergency shoreline protection measures and explain possible permanent shoreline protection alternatives.

Protection of the shoreline will ensure that Lower Honoapiilani Road will continue to function as a major urban collector road and an alternate route to Honoapiilani Highway, the county reported.

DPW encourages the community to attend this meeting to review the preliminary project information and offer comments on the alternatives presented. Comments will be considered in the planning of the project.

This is a preliminary planning stage for the project. Future permitting will be needed to pursue permanent solutions for the shoreline erosion.

Maui Preparatory Academy is located in Napili at 4910 Honoapiilani Highway. Access to the campus is via Napilihau Street on the mauka side of Honoapiilani Highway at its signalized intersection.

If special accommodations are requested for the meeting, contact Kristi Ono of the Engineering Division at 270-7745.