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Maui Electric crews continue restoration efforts in West Maui, Molokai

By Staff | Aug 24, 2018

KAHULUI – Maui Electric employees are continuing restoration efforts to bring about 4,100 customers back online in West Maui.

Response crews are currently assessing damages to the two of the three transmission lines feeding West Maui and damaged poles in Lahaina Town. The remaining transmission line – running on steel poles – feeding West Maui remains in service with enough capacity to serve the area.

On Molokai, repair crews were able to restore power to parts of the island. The crews continue work to restore a remaining 1,800 customers at this time.

Maui Electric thanks the public for their continued patience as crews work to safely restore power as soon as possible.

Should customers experience any outages or encounter downed power lines, please report them to Maui Electric’s trouble line at 871-7777 on Maui or toll-free for Lanai or Molokai at 1-877-871-8461.

The public can sign up for outage and restoration updates at “http://www.mauielectric.com”>www.mauielectric.com or follow Maui Electric on Twitter @mauielectric; Facebook – The Hawaiian Electric Companies; andInstagram – The Hawaiian Electric Companies with hashtags #MauiOutage, #MolokaiOutage, #LanaiOutage.