Lahaina Harbor, Mala Boat Ramp maintenance dredging to begin in October
LAHAINA – The state Department of Land and Natural Resources is making final preparations for maintenance dredging at Lahaina Harbor and Mala Boat Ramp.
On Monday, contractor American Marine Corporation was scheduled to begin mobilizing equipment onsite and preparing the dewatering site by installing the necessary best management practices, such as dust fencing for dredge materials at Mala and full depth silt curtain for in-water work.
In-water dredging at Mala Boat Ramp is scheduled to start Oct. 9 and be completed by Oct. 20.
Dredging will then start at Lahaina Harbor on Oct. 23 and be completed by Dec. 29.
This $1.2 million dredging project will deepen the currently shallow harbor entrance channel, which is critical for safe passage of boat traffic in and out of the harbor, DLNR reported.
The project will consist of removal, transportation, stockpiling, dewatering and disposal of approximately 5,000 to 7,000 cubic yards of sediment from the Lahaina Harbor entrance channel and mooring, and approximately 1,000 to 2,000 cubic yards of sediment from the Mala Boat Ramp basin and entrance channel.
Lahaina Harbor was last dredged in 2012.
The state emphasized that Lahaina Small Boat Harbor is a vital port for residents and visitors to Maui County for inter-island transit, recreational activities and cruise ship visits.
DLNR officials and the contractor said they will work with harbor and boat ramp users to provide up-to-date project information and options to minimize disruptions during the project.
The dredging work will take place Monday through Thursday from 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
According to DLNR, the contractor will keep both the Mala Boat Ramp and Lahaina Harbor entrance channels accessible throughout the construction period, as well as allow access for cruise ships and ferries that routinely use Lahaina Harbor.
Maintenance dredging will be performed by barge-mounted equipment. Either an excavator with an extended arm or crane with a clamshell bucket will be used.
The sediment will be removed by a closed bucket and deposited into a water-tight bin on the barge or dump scow. Once full, the barge or the dump scow will be towed to the Mala Boat Ramp approximately one-mile to the north of the project site.
The sediment will be unloaded into watertight truck beds and transported to the designated stockpile site. Berms will be constructed around the stockpile area to contain the sediment and water within the site.
No sediment or water will be allowed to discharge into the ocean, DLNR reported. The sediment will be allowed to dry sufficiently before it is hauled by truck to an approved upland placement site.