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Read Aloud America seeks volunteers for evening family literacy program

By Staff | Jan 5, 2017

Read Aloud America Program Director Joanne Laird reads a picture book to a group of first grade students. Volunteer readers are sought for an evening family literacy program coming to Princess Nahi‘ena‘ena Elementary School.

LAHAINA – The Read Aloud America Program (RAP) seeks volunteer readers for an evening family literacy program to be held at Princess Nahi’ena’ena Elementary School.

The dates of the program are Feb. 9, March 9, April 6 and May 4. A volunteer can sign up for all or any of the dates of the programs.

Volunteer readers are needed from 5:45 to 7:15 p.m. A free light dinner is served – no need to cook on RAP nights.

The only qualifications are love of reading, interest in children, patience and must be age 16 years and older.

Read Aloud America is dedicated to promoting literacy and helping families bond through the fun of reading and being read to.

An Aulani Disney Resort volunteer reader reads aloud to a group of first-graders at a Read Aloud America Program on Oahu.

During the past 17 years, it has served over 339,000 adults and children at 90 public schools in Hawaii.

The program was last presented at Princess Nahi’ena’ena School in the spring of 2010.

During the evening program, children are divided into age groups and escorted to a classroom for a 40-minute read aloud session.

All books for the reading sessions are provided by the program.

Volunteer readers will receive training and a handbook during a 60-minute training session prior to the start of the program.

Program Director Joanne Laird said, “Volunteer readers are the heart of the RAP program. Children immediately bond with a volunteer reader because there is no pressure for the children to perform.

“Children just sit back and listen to great stories – no tests, no book reports, no questions in a read aloud session. It is a positive experience for children and the volunteer reader.”

According to Volunteer Reader Barbara Lum Lee, “Even after a full day of work, you’re not tired when you’re done. You’re energized!

“I feel like I’m doing something good, because reading is the key to everything.”

To experience the joy and satisfaction of sharing wonderful stories with children, go to www.readaloudamerica.org/volunteer_reg.htm and complete the volunteer registration form.

Volunteers will be contacted by Read Aloud America upon completion of the form.