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Supplemental EIS not required for Lahaina Harbor Ferry Pier project

By Staff | Dec 29, 2016

The new interisland ferry pier is proposed approximately 70 feet to the north of the existing pier. It will be 115 feet long and 20 feet wide, supported on piles, and able to accommodate 100 passengers.

LAHAINA – The state recently reported that a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement will not be required for Lahaina Small Boat Harbor Ferry Pier Improvements.

The Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources proposes to build a new ferry pier to the north of the existing pier at Lahaina Small Boat Harbor. Within the limits of the harbor are an existing pier and a berthing area formerly for the Carthaginian II, a replica of a historic whaling ship.

The proposed ferry pier will involve work in the areas occupied by the existing harbor pier, the berthing area, the waters of the harbor and an adjacent parcel. The pier will be used to accommodate ferries, as well as cruise ship tenders, and commercial and recreational vessels.

Following publication of the Draft EIS in The Environmental Notice on Feb. 8, 2008, the proposed project was modified to address public comments.

The new pier will be approximately 115 feet long and 20 feet wide, supported on piles, and able to accommodate approximately 100 passengers.

A low-rise, open-sided structure on the deck of the new pier is proposed to provide shade and shelter for pier users.

Ancillary actions include construction of two sewage pump-out stations; construction of a concrete pedestrian walkway measuring 15 feet by 60 feet to connect the existing pier with the new pier structure; replacement of the existing harbor master’s office; improvements to the passenger loading and drop off area; sidewalk expansion along the northwestern portion of Hotel Street; and resurfacing of a portion of Wharf Street.

Subsequent to acceptance of the Final EIS published in The Environmental Notice on June 23, 2014, the proposed project has been modified to increase the distance between the proposed new ferry pier and existing public pier from 60 feet to 70 feet, to accommodate the increasing widths of new ferry vessels. This project change will also require a ten-foot extension of the gangway.

DLNR must secure several permits for the project, including NEPA Categorical Exclusion, 404 Department of Army, Conservation District Use Permit, 401 Water Quality Certification, Coastal Zone Management Consistency, Special Management Area Use Permit (as applicable), Shoreline Setback Approval/Variance (as applicable), Historic District Approval, and construction permits.