Author to present free workshop for grieving adults
KAANAPALI – Dayle E. Spencer, author of “Loving Allie, Transforming the Journey of Loss,” and “Loving Spirit, Self-help for the Journey of Loss,” will offer a free, two-day grief recovery workshop at the Westin Maui Resort & Spa on Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 6-7.
Spencer and her family lived on Maui for almost 20 years.
Following the death of her only daughter, Allie Powell (Seabury Hall Class of 2000), in 2011 from the flu, Spencer has been writing, blogging and speaking about recovery from loss issues in many venues.
When she was interviewed on the nationally broadcast Hay House Radio network, she said, “When Allie died, the single most important decision we made was the choice not to view ourselves as victims. This decision has made all the difference in our ability to heal and to rediscover joy and love in our lives again.”
She wants her readers and audiences to know that they are not powerless when they suffer a major loss in life, and that they have the capacity to learn from the experience and to actually emerge stronger in their broken places.
The Spencers moved to Estes Park, Colorado from Maui, where they had worked with clients in major life transitions at The Maui Transition Center for nearly 20 years.
In that setting, clients spent a week with them in a very intensive, hands-on process to learn to manage issues, including divorce, career change or retirement, grief, major loss, illness or injury.
Now she has taken the proven processes and learning from their previous work and developed a weekend event for grieving adults.
This workshop isn’t only for those grieving an actual death of a loved one; it’s also for those grieving any of these other types of losses as well.
The workshop approaches the journey of loss from many perspectives: spiritual, multicultural, psychological, experiential, and through the lens of our unique personalities.
All participants will receive a free Myers-Briggs personality assessment to help them understand how loss is experienced and expressed differently, and how stress impacts our response to grief and our recovery from loss.
They will also receive an autographed copy of “Loving Allie” and a workbook based on “Loving Spirit.”
The workshop is completely free to participants because of the generous support of the Westin Maui Resort & Spa, as well as donations made by previous Loving Spirit participants who chose to “pay it forward.”
Space is limited to 30 participants (and only one per family). All participants must attend both days of the session. To register, go to