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Nine Valley Isle Rotary clubs bring in food and funds for Maui Food Bank

By Staff | May 19, 2016

From left, Melissa Crawley of the Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset accepts donations from Nita and Fono Faleofa, and Paulo Galoia.

LAHAINA – On April 30 and May 1, nine Maui Rotary clubs participated in a food drive that collected 5,399 pounds of food and $7,044 in funds for the Maui Food Bank.

Nearly 50 Rotarians accepted non-perishables and cash donations for the Maui Food Bank at the entrance doors of Foodland in Pukalani; Safeway in Kihei, Lahaina, Kahului and Maui Lani; Times in Honokowai; and Island Grocery Depot in Kahului.

They joined over 70,000 Rotarians on three continents working at the same time in service to their home communities.

The goal of the Maui Food Bank is to provide hunger relief for anyone who might be in need. “Working poor families, seniors on fixed incomes and single parents are relying on the Maui Food Bank just to survive month-to-month,” said Marlene Rice, the organization’s director of development.

“The Maui Rotary clubs share our vision and help us to ensure that no one in our island ‘ohana goes to bed hungry.”

Donations fill a table at Lahaina Safeway.

Rotarians in all clubs throughout Hawaii and in clubs across the Mainland West Coast participated in a variety of community service projects on Rotary at Work Day on Saturday, April 30.

Thousands of volunteers tackled the needs in their communities and exhibited the Rotary motto: “Service Above Self.”

Nine of the 51 clubs that make up Rotary District 5000 are located on Maui. They are: Kahului, Kihei-Wailea, Lahaina, Lahaina Sunrise, Lahaina Sunset, Maui, Upcountry, Valley Isle Sunset and Wailuku.

Rotary is a leadership organization made up of local business, professional and civic leaders. Clubs hold regular meetings, where members are able to form friendships and participate in activities that serve their communities.

For more information, contact Rotary Maui Public Relations Chair Melissa Crawley at crawley.m@gmail.com.