Lahaina Public Library to celebrate 60th anniversary

Lahaina Public Library at 680 Wharf St. will celebrate its 60th anniversary with special programs on Saturday, March 12 (see story on page 20). Uncle Wayne and the Howling Dog Band — from left, Girish Varma, Jeff Ellison, Uncle Wayne Watkins and and Dr. Pfahl — will perform at 10 a.m.
LAHAINA – Lahaina Public Library at 680 Wharf St. will celebrate its 60th anniversary of service to the Lahaina community with special programs on Saturday, March 12.
The public is invited to attend this free event, which will feature music by Uncle Wayne and the Howling Dog Band at 10 a.m.; Storytime with David Del Rocco at 11 a.m.; a steel guitar performance by Joel Katz at noon; “The Story in Your Palm” by Nansy Phleger at 1 p.m.; an author talk, “Feng Shui For Love & Money,” by best-selling author Clear Englebert at 2 p.m. (learn basic feng shui concepts, how to decorate the wealth and relationship corners of your home, and more); and a local author reading by Rick Ludwig at 3 p.m.
Englebert’s books will be available for sale from the Maui Friends of the Library (MFOL) after the program, with a portion of the sales donated to the MFOL.
The Maui Friends of the Library is sponsoring this special anniversary event.
Lahaina Public Library opened on March 2, 1956. The library features a self-check-out computer and a unique location that overlooks the Lahaina Roadstead and the colorful boat harbor.
Contact the library as soon as possible if a sign language interpreter or other special accommodation is needed for these programs. For more information, call the library at 662-3950.