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Tasteful benefit to support two causes

By Staff | Jan 21, 2016

KIHEI – On Saturday, Jan. 30, from 5 to 8 p.m., Trinity-by-the-Sea Church gardens will host a beautiful evening of gourmet pupus, a full dinner and delicious beverage pairings accompanied by live music and a silent auction.

The evening benefits two great causes: A Cup of Cold Water (ACCW) and Trinity Episcopal Church-by-the-Sea.

ACCW is a community Care-Van outreach program on Maui formed by four island churches – Good Shepherd, Holy Innocents, St. John’s and Trinity-by-the-Sea – with volunteers all over the island.

The program is a food and clothing distribution service for the poor, needy and homeless in the community. Volunteers use the van to deliver essential food, hygiene and clothing items throughout the island (on Saturdays in Lahaina).

Trinity Episcopal Church-by-the-Sea is a historic, outdoor church built in 1852 by David Malo, who was one of the first Native Hawaiians to be ordained in the Christian Ministry.

Trinity is involved in many community outreach programs and a founding supporter of ACCW.

Purchase tickets online at www.tastefulbenefit.org, in person at the parish office at 100 Kulanihakoi St. in Kihei, or call (808) 879-0161. Table sponsorships are also available.