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West Maui Soroptimists award scholarship

By Staff | Jul 9, 2015

From left, Soroptimist International of West Maui President Kathy Perry congratulates scholarship winner Kelsey Schultz and her mother, Lori Schultz.

LAHAINA – Soroptimist International offers programs that improve the lives of women and girls through social and economic empowerment.

On Thursday, June 18, Soroptimist International of West Maui hosted its bi-weekly meeting and had the opportunity to present two Maui residents with cash awards.

Lahaina resident Kelsey Schultz was awarded a $1,000 renewable University of Hawaii Maui College scholarship.

A graduate of Lahaninaluna High School, Schultz plans to study early child development.

In addition, Kelly Rich, a current UHMC student, was the recipient of a $1,000 donation through the “Live Your Dream Award,” which assists women who provide the primary source of financial support for their families by giving them the resources they need to improve their educational skills and employment prospects. `

The Live Your Dream program involves three levels of cash awards. The program begins at the local Soroptimist club level, where award amounts vary.

Local-level award recipients become eligible for region-level awards of either $3,000 or $5,000. Region-level award recipients then become eligible to receive one of three international-level awards of $10,000.

Since the Live Your Dream Awards program began in 1972, about $30 million in education grants have been disbursed to assist tens of thousands of women achieve their dreams of a better life for themselves and their families.

Another item of business was the induction of two new officers. Michele Potts, who joined the club in 2014, was inducted as vice president, and Jill Holley, a member since 2007, was inducted as secretary.

For information on joining Soroptimist International of West Maui or any of its programs and services, contact Holley at (808) 986-1900 or jill@kidneyhi.org.