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Lahaina Arts Society to host speakers at annual meeting

By Staff | Jun 18, 2015

Lahaina Arts Society’s Annual Celebration & Meeting will be held in the Pioneer Inn Courtyard at 6 p.m. on June 24.

LAHAINA – Lahaina Arts Society’s Annual Celebration & Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 24. The public is invited to gather at the Pioneer Inn Courtyard at 6 p.m.

Light pupus will be offered, and a no-host bar will be available. Live entertainment by Barefoot Minded is set for 6 to 7 p.m.

The event’s special guest speakers will be Sen. Roz Baker; Jim Killett, owner of Lahaina Galleries; and Michael Stark, president of Lahaina Arts Society.

Lahaina Arts Society invites local residents to come meet fellow Maui artists, supporters of the arts and the LAS board members. A new board will be elected at the meeting.

LAS is dedicated to showcase, market and mentor Maui County artists. If you have ever been interested in joining the arts society, come talk story at the meeting.

The public is welcome; admission is free. For information, call LAS at 661-0111 or e-mail info@lahaina-arts.com.