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School seeks council members

By Staff | May 7, 2015

LAHAINA – King Kamehameha III Elementary School will hold elections for its School Community Council.

The school is looking for interested people to join the board as community representatives.

School Community Councils are forums for exchanging ideas about how to improve student achievement among the school’s stakeholders: principals, teachers, school staff, parents, students and community members.

School Community Councils are a major part of the overall leadership structure at each school.

Their primary role is to participate in the process that ensures that the needs of all students are specifically addressed in the overall education plan for the school.

Any community person interested in serving on the King Kamehameha III SCC Board can submit their name in the school office at 611 Front St., or by calling Claire Tillman at 662-3955.

Members must commit to attend a meeting each quarter (a total of four during the school year).