Lahainaluna High School to celebrate David Malo Day

Students of the Hawaiiana Club at Lahainaluna High School prepare for their David Malo Day by learning how to make ti-leaf skirts according to Hawaiian protocols. Pictured (from left) are: front — Pania Santiago and Teva Medeiros; back row — Ilima Greig-Hong (co-advisor), Hakumele Hamakua, Dustin Kaleiopu, Jayven Paleka, Lei Sanchez and Kona Kaaihui-AhPuck.
LAHAINA – One of Lahaina’s iconic cultural traditions takes place this Saturday, April 18, as Lahainaluna High School presents the 45th annual David Malo Day Ho’olaule’a at Boarders’ Field on campus.
The festivities begin at 4 p.m. with the traditional Makahiki games and demonstrations, followed at 5 p.m. with a poi, laulau, lomi salmon, pineapple and beverage supper for $15, then a free sunset pageant at 6 p.m. featuring the Boarders Chorus and Hawaiiana Club.
David Malo Day has its roots deep within the grounds of the campus. The late Jimmie Greig, then a surveyor for Pioneer Mill Company and a former Lahainaluna football coach, is the creator of the time-honored event.
Together with then-Principal Ralph Murakami, Greig designed in 1969 the first David Malo Day celebration as a venue to teach students the value of giving back to a community that supports the school athletically, academically and socially, and to become contributing members in a global society.
For the small, close-knit community of Lahaina, David Malo Day is a representation of the Hawaiian traditions envisioned for Lahainaluna.

David Malo (1793–1853) wrote “Hawaiian Antiquities,” compiling the history of the Native Hawaiian people. Upon his request, he is buried atop Pu‘u Pa‘u Pa‘u (Hill of Struggle) near the “L” on Mount Ball overlooking the Lahainaluna High School campus.
The co-founders chose to honor David Malo, one of the school’s first graduates who went on to become an educator, businessman, preacher and one of Hawaii’s first patriots.
Lori Gomez Karinen, advisor to the Boarders Chorus and Hawaiiana Club, expressed that it takes a whole village to put on the traditional event.
“We are an island community with island values, mores and traditions, existing in a diverse population and in progressive times. We are most appreciative and grateful for the excellent support and nurturing given us by our immediate community and from the island of Maui and beyond,” she said.
“We exist because of our island ohana and the values of our host culture that are deeply rooted in our school. They are a way of life for us.”
Ilima Greig-Hong and Robert Pomai Krueger are not only co-advisors for David Malo Day, they are also the choreographers, musical directors and cultural consultants.
Kahala Greig and students lead the music, the boarding and cafeteria staff provide food preparation and venue set-up, and the school administration and staff donate time helping with internal preparations, learning the faculty hula and embedding Hawaiian values into the curricula.
For more information and tickets for the event, call the Lahainaluna office at 662-4000.
- David Malo (1793–1853) wrote “Hawaiian Antiquities,” compiling the history of the Native Hawaiian people. Upon his request, he is buried atop Pu‘u Pa‘u Pa‘u (Hill of Struggle) near the “L” on Mount Ball overlooking the Lahainaluna High School campus.