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Lahaina students’ videos up for HIKI NO Awards

By Staff | Aug 21, 2014

LAHAINA – Videos by two Lahaina schools have been nominated for 2014 HIKI N? Awards.

Lahainaluna High School students’ profile of Kimberly Yap is nominated in the Best Personal Profile-High School category, and Lahaina Intermediate students’ film, “Crossing Guard,” is in the running for the Best Personal Profile-Middle School award.

The LHS video is posted at www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjFCy06X8Ac&list=UUia7ArQd6KTk0jzwE5ck4XA. The Lahaina Intermediate video is included in www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLm6QfxcfPU&list=PLJ7VxpMUPOF8xVx3T8ryIgXDdcwA4-Mh0&index=10.

The public is invited to view outstanding student-produced video stories on the big screen at PBS Hawaii’s first-ever HIKI NO Festival.

The featured stories produced last school year have aired on PBS Hawaii’s student news program, HIKI NO, and are nominated in this year’s awards.

Free festival screenings will be held at Consolidated Theatres-Kaahumanu on Monday, Aug. 25, at 6 p.m.

Teacher Nancy Young, who leads Lahainaluna’s digital media program, explained that Kainoa Reponte, Sophia Fredy and Kimberly Yap worked together on the video nominated for the award.

Yap graduated in May. Seniors Reponte and Fredy are currently working on a video about Lahaina’s recent Kamehameha Day celebration and Hawea Kahahane, a Lahainaluna employee who was a pa’u rider in the parade.

“It should be noted that Lahaina Intermediate was also nominated, and the fact that Robert Norton has a strong tech and video program there means that students like Sophia and Kai are coming to high school with well-developed skills,” Young commented.

The winners of the HIKI N? Awards will be announced via live stream on Wednesday, Sept. 17, at PBSHawaii.org.

HIKI NO Awards are school – not individual – honors. Winning schools will receive “Rising Star” trophies and $500 in equipment purchases for their media production program.

Leslie Wilcox, president and CEO of PBS Hawaii, will present the winners with Donna Tanoue, president of Bank of Hawaii Foundation, HIKI N?’s founding broadcast underwriter.

A panel of veteran local news professionals will determine the winners.

Robert Pennybacker of PBS Hawaii told Young in an e-mail that the students should be proud of their video.

“I know you are very proud of your students, and rightfully so; the quality of the work from the 2013/2014 school year (from which the nominees were drawn) was so high that it made the task of selecting just a few nominees per category very tough. Your students’ story is among the crme de la crme,” he noted.

Producer Pennybacker was also impressed by a video Reponte and Fredy shot about David Malo Day – the last piece that played on HIKI NO last season.

In his critique, Pennybacker wrote, “This is a beautifully shot mini-documentary on an annual event that carries a great deal of meaning to your school and community. Your camera person (or persons) has an incredible eye for composition, natural light, the use of deep and shallow focus, and capturing evocative moments. He or she is ready to shoot documentaries for PBS!”

HIKI NO is Hawaii’s first statewide student news network made up of 86 public, private and charter schools from across the islands.

Through the production of video news stories about their schools and communities, students gain valuable workforce and life skills, while teachers engage their students in hands-on, collaborative learning.

View past episodes or learn more about HIKI N? online at PBSHawaii.org/hikino.