LIS extending time period for registration
LAHAINA – This year, instead of having one designated day for registration and payment of fees, Lahaina Intermediate School will hold registration Monday through Friday through Aug. 1 in the school office.
The first day of school for students at Lahaina Intermediate is Monday, Aug. 4.
Fees and applications include the Student Government Fee ($10), class dues ($5), school uniforms ($8 for blue or white T-shirts), yearbook ($23), free and reduced meal applications, school bus applications and payments, Meal Account payments, pickup of student’s class schedule and school supply list, and return of lost books or payment for lost books.
In the 2014-15 school year, Lahaina Intermediate’s school day will start at 7:50 a.m. and end at 2:43 p.m., (except on Wednesday, when school will end at 1 p.m).
For more information, call LIS at 662-3965.