Accreditation assessment team welcomes public comments on Maui Police Department

West Maui Rep. Angus McKelvey (right) congratulates Lahaina’s own Aaron Naea, who was named a 2014 Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year. The young leaders were recognized at the House of Representatives on March 27. At the Hawaii Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs 2014 State Youth of the Year event, the Maui honoree was Mason Aquino.
WAILUKU – From April 14-17, a team of assessors from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies Inc. (CALEA) will examine all aspects of Maui Police Department’s policies and procedures, management, operations and support services, Police Chief Gary Yabuta announced last week.
Verification by the team of assessors that MPD meets the commission’s state-of-the-art standards is part of a voluntary process to maintain accredited status and continue the department’s nationwide recognition of law enforcement professional excellence.
Accreditation provides recognition that the department’s managerial and operational policies and procedures are in accord with a body of professional standards, and that the department has made a concerted effort to attain professional status.
Lt. Jeraul S. Pladera is MPD’s accreditation program manager.
The assessment team is comprised of two CALEA assessors, who will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the department’s written documents, interview individuals, and visit offices and other areas where compliance of the standards can be observed.
Inspections of all six police districts will be conducted, Pladera said.
The process of re-accreditation is held every three years following initial accreditation. This will be the department’s sixth re-accreditation assessment.
As part of the onsite assessment, the public and department employees are invited to offer telephone comments on the department’s services and performance to the assessors on Monday, April 14, from noon to 2 p.m.; call 844-200-0125 for Maui. These calls will not be recorded.
Telephone comments are limited to ten minutes and must address the department’s ability to comply with the commission’s standards.
A copy of the standards is available for review in all police stations. For further information, call Lt. Pladera at 244-6446.
Persons wishing to offer written comments about Maui Police Department’s ability to meet the standards for accreditation may write to: Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies Inc., 13575 Heathcote Boulevard, Suite 320, Gainesville, VA 20155.