Dr. Sarah Courbis to discuss Hawaii’s dolphins
MAALAEA – Many people dream about swimming with dolphins, but is such close contact with humans good for dolphins? Pacific Whale Foundation’s Making Waves Lecture Series will explore this and other questions about human impacts on Hawaii’s wild dolphins in a big-screen webinar with Dr. Sarah Courbis, research associate at Portland State University.
Her presentation, titled “Hawaii’s Dolphins: Human Impacts and Conservation Action,” takes place on Thursday, Aug. 22, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Pacific Whale Foundation’s Discovery Center on the oceanside lower level at the Maalaea Harbor Shops.
The presentation will be broadcast live via streaming video on the dual big screens at the Discovery Center. This event is free, and the public is invited.
“Maui County is fortunate to have populations of wild spinner dolphins, bottlenose dolphins and spotted dolphins living in our ocean waters,” said Lauren Campbell, PWF conservation manager.
“Everyone loves these animals, but what are the human impacts on them? What conservation action is needed to protect these wild dolphin populations?”
For information, visit www.pacificwhale.org or call (808) 856-8304.