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Leilani’s honors Lahaina tutors

By Staff | May 16, 2013

Sen. Roz Baker and Rep. Angus McKelvey (fourth and fifth from right) presented Hawaii State Legislative Commendations to tutor project volunteers and supporters. PHOTO BY NICOLE ALLEN OF FEMME CITY PHOTOGRAPHY.

KAANAPALI – Leilani’s on the Beach Manager Jason Donez honored Lahaina Complex After School Enrichment Tutor Project volunteers with a luncheon celebration on Saturday, May 11.

Sen. Roz Baker and Rep. Angus McKelvey presented Hawaii State Legislative Commendations to Phyllis Nakamura, Claire Tillman, Barbara Kerbox, Judi and Jim Peterson, Mary Sanchez and Wendy Smith for ten years of outstanding dedication and service as volunteer tutors.

Deborah and Stuart Katz, founders of The Beyond the Rainbow Foundation and one of the project’s sponsors, received commendation for their many years of support.

Although unable to attend, 38 Lahainaluna High School senior math student tutors were recognized for their outstanding contributions as mentors and mathematics tutors to fourth-graders.

In addition, special recognition was given to Richard Endsley, who was named Maui County’s “Outstanding Older American Volunteer” for 2013.

The Lahaina Intermediate School Educational Foundation Board thanks everyone who has so generously supported the Lahaina Complex Tutor Project for so many years.

The tutor project will begin its 13th year of service in September for students in grades three through eight.

New instructional lesson plans for reading/language arts and mathematics have been developed and will be implemented to support classroom teachers with the change to the new common core standards.