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Theatre Theatre Maui announces 2013 summer program 

By Staff | Apr 11, 2013

Kristi Scott began her association with Theatre Theatre Maui in 2008 with Disney’s “School House Rock Live Jr.” and has continued to direct TTM’s summer program the past three years.

LAHAINA – Theatre Theatre Maui (TTM) last week announced plans for its 21st annual summer youth drama program, which is scheduled to run from June 10 through July 21.

It will conclude with the Disney musical “The Little Mermaid, Jr.,” led by returning Summer Program Director Kristi Scott and a creative team of instructors.

Enrollment is open to students entering the fourth grade in the 2013-14 school year up to 12th grade and the age of 18.

TTM’s program rates are $390 per student and may be paid by credit card, cash or check. TTM also offers an early bird discount rate of $375 per student if paid by cash or check by May 20. A limited amount of financial aid may be available for eligible families. Further information about registration, location and hours will be forthcoming.

“We’re looking forward to an awesome summer with Disney’s ‘The Little Mermaid, Jr.’ and are so excited to welcome the return of a very talented and creative director, Kristi Scott,” said TTM Board President Penny Wakida.

Scott brings to TTM dozens of years of theatrical experience in California. She has performed and directed locally with Maui Academy of Performing Arts, Maui OnStage, and ProArts Inc.

“We are so happy to have Kristi involved with the program again. Her energy is wonderful, and she shares such a positive and imaginative outlook with the children,” said TTM Executive Director Angie Thompson.

For additional information on TTM’s summer program, contact Thompson at TTMWestMaui@aol.com or (808) 661-1168. You may also check out TTM’s new Facebook page.