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Businesses join campaign to end domestic violence

By Staff | Apr 11, 2013

WEST MAUI – From cosmetics to coffee and spring cleaning to high tea, opportunities abound this month to join the cause to end domestic violence in our community, with Women Helping Women (WHW) leading the charge.

It’s an ongoing crusade for WHW Executive Director Stacy Moniz.

“Domestic violence doesn’t take any time off. Each day, there are women and children being battered and living in homes that are terrifying and dangerous. We hear stories each and every day of families living in fear, and it’s very important to us and important to the community to continue to raise domestic violence as a critical issue as often as we can,” she said.

West Side businesses and community leaders support the campaign.

At Lahaina Coffee Company on Lahainaluna Road below the Pioneer Mill Smokestack, in lieu of tips, the community-spirited staff accepts donations for the WHW nonprofit.

A 5A Rent A Space ad in the Lahaina News this week is a call to action

“Bring all your reusable items to 5A Support a worthy cause,” it reads.

For the past 15 months, Liz May and staff have been providing free storage and a drop-off point centrally located in Honokowai for used household goods, furniture and clothing.

“Since that time, over 250 donations have been received; the ones documented that is,” West Side task force crusader Renee Ward told the Lahaina News.

“For us here at 5A,” May noted, “it’s a great networking opportunity in serving our community.”

“I think it’s important,” May continued, “because there are so many women that are victims of domestic violence and suffer from low self-esteem and have been in bad relationships and don’t know how to get out of the situation. We need to encourage these women that they are worthy and can accomplish anything they put their heart and mind to.”

The civic-minded 5A, in turn, networks with ReVive, the WHW resale boutique in Kahului, Ward explained.

“We want to encourage the community to recycle and renew; spring has sprung. We want to keep ReVive alive!” Ward commented

ReVive is located on the other side at old Kahului Shopping Center.

Their monthly sale this month is on Friday, April 26, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Additionally, Sephora, an international cosmetics firm founded in France with a store/studio located at Whalers Village, has teamed up with WHW to make a difference in 2013, Ward said.

Through their Values Inside Out (VIO) visionary partnership, Sephora associates in Kaanapali selected WHW to launch an awareness campaign this year.

“At Sephora,” a spokesperson announced, “our vision for Values Inside Out is to inspire and engage our teams to play a part in making a difference in their communities, and to do so in a way that is completely aligned and integrated with our values. We know that beauty is both inside and out, and we know our teams will feel proud of what they accomplish for their communities and even more so where they work.”

The April grand finale, the major opportunity to join the fight against domestic violence, is the annual WHW fundraiser slated for Sunday, April 28, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center’s Yokouchi Family Pavilion

“This event will feature a colorful and exciting repertoire based on the fun, epic movie ‘Oz the Great and Powerful’ and packed with Oz-inspired entertainment and unbelievable live and silent auction items,” WHW Board President Massy Cashen-Suguitan advised.

“We rely on this event to raise unrestricted funding for all of our programs,” said Moniz. “All of the proceeds – as well as any donations to WHW – support our emergency shelter, temporary restraining order and transitions programs, our West Maui and Lanai offices, as well as the ReVive Resale Boutique in Kahului.”

Last year, the event raised $70,000. The goal this year is $90,000.

There are three ticketing opportunities available.

The Emerald City ticket is $150 per person or $1,500 for a reserved table of ten; the Poppy Field ticket is $120 per person or $1,200 for a reserved table of ten; and the Munchkin ticket is $90 per person and available in the event the fundraiser is sold-out.

To purchase tickets or reserve a table, visit www.mauiarts.org or call (808) 242-SHOW.

Moniz is excited about the fundraiser this year: “Entertainment, silent auction, live auction, delicious food catered by Bev Gannon… it’s such a wonderful event. Join us as we turn the Yokouchi Pavilion emerald green,” she said.

Moniz is grateful as well.

“I want to thank the community for its incredible support each year,” she said. “There really is no place like home – and may every home be safe.”