Legislative Women’s Caucus makes Easter Brighter for the needy

Sen. Roz Baker (right) and Rep. Della Au Belatti (left) present the Easter baskets to the Institute for Human Services. Photo courtesy of Senate Communications.
HONOLULU – The Legislative Women’s Caucus last week Thursday donated more than 80 Easter baskets to The Institute for Human Services (IHS).
Baskets filled with essential household items, such as laundry soap, utensils, toiletries and towels, will benefit clients at IHS.
The donations will help families and individuals get a head start when moving from being homeless to having a permanent home.
“I am pleased that many offices supported our IHS Easter Basket Drive, and we thank all of them for their help,” said Sen. Roz Baker (District 6, South and West Maui), who coordinated the Senate’s donations.
“These baskets will make a huge difference in the lives of our most vulnerable citizens and will certainly make it a happy Easter for them.”
The Legislative Women’s Caucus began its IHS Easter Basket Drive in February.
Rep. Della Au Belatti spearheaded the drive for the group. This was the third year the caucus donated baskets that would go toward clients transitioning into permanent homes.
In prior years, the baskets were given to clients at the shelter.
The Legislative Women’s Caucus is a bipartisan organization that consists of women in the Senate and House.
The caucus works closely with women’s organizations and concerned individuals across the state, as well as with the governor, state agencies and other legislators to advocate for programs and services that benefit women.