Mayor to speak at LAC meeting

LAHAINA – LahainaTown Action Committee’s Annual Meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 29.
The public is invited to gather at the Pioneer Inn Courtyard at 5 p.m. Light pupus will be offered with refreshments, and a no-host open bar will be available.
This year’s guest speaker will be Mayor Alan M. Arakawa.
LahainaTown Action Committee invites West Side residents to come meet the LAC board members.
LAC strives to promote, encourage and preserve the historical, cultural, social and commercial vitality of Lahaina – the town and destination.
LahainaTown Action Committee would like to meet the public and discuss ideas for 2013-14.
Current Board Members Sne Patel, Jill Holley, Toddy Lilikoi, Tambara Garrick and Edward Valencia-Laver are running for positions on the 2013 board. Call Lynn Donovan at 667-9175.