Applicants sought for county boards
WAILUKU – Mayor Alan Arakawa announced that the Mayor’s Office will accept applications for all Maui County boards and commissions through Dec. 31 to fill anticipated vacancies due to term expirations in 2013.
Responsibilities include hearing public testimony, reviewing policies and standards and making recommendations.
Positions are appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the County Council. Terms last two to five years.
Although there is no monetary compensation associated with serving on a board or commission, residents’ participation will provide for a better form of government, the county noted.
Applications are available online at, at the Mayor’s Office on the ninth floor of the County Building and public libraries.
Applications must be mailed by Dec. 31 to Mayor Alan Arakawa, County of Maui, 200 South High St., Ninth Floor, Wailuku, HI 96793, or faxed to (808) 270-7870.
For more information, call the Mayors Office at 270-7855 or Executive Assistant Mike Molina at 270-8211.