Kahoma Village Project proposed in Lahaina
LAHAINA – The Kahoma Village Project is a mixed housing development proposed on a 24.354-acre parcel of land in Lahaina, with groundbreaking anticipated within the next five years.
The site is bordered by Honoapiilani Highway to the east, Front Street to the west, Kenui Street to the south and the channelized Kahoma Stream to the north. The land is designated as Urban by the State Land Use Commission, Project District 4 and Open Space by the West Maui Community Plan and zoned A-1, Apartment. The tract is currently vacant.
As the subject property is located within the county Special Management Area (SMA), the submission of an application for a SMA Use Permit is required.
The proposed project would add a combination of 203 affordable and market units to the West Side housing inventory, including 69 single-family dwellings in clusters of two to six dwelling units along a common driveway; 32 single-family dwellings with a rear service alley; and 102 multifamily units located in 17 two-story, six-plexes.
Three parks for a total of 1.75 acres are included in the overall design.
Driveway access into the project will be off of Front Street across from Puunoa Place and off of Kenui Street across from Nakeli Place.
The county Department of Housing and Human Concerns recently delivered a Draft Environmental Assessment for Kahoma Village to the Office of Environmental Quality Control and “anticipates a Finding of No Significant Impact determination.”
The DEA was published in the Oct. 23, 2012, Environment Notice (oeqc.doh.hawaii.gov/Shared%20Documents/EA_and_EIS_Online_Library/Maui/2010s/2012-10-23-DEA-Kahoma-Village-Project-5B.pdf). The comment period is 30 days.
Stanford Carr Development is the applicant on behalf of the landowner, The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation.
The proposing agency is the Department of Housing and Human Concerns. Point person for the county is Director JoAnn T. Ridao (270-7805). The project consultant is Colleen Suyama of Munekiyo & Hiraga Inc. of Wailuku (244-2015).
Kahoma Village is being processed in accordance with Section 20IH-38, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), promoting the delivery of affordable housing by allowing the exemption of endorsed projects from “all statutes, ordinances, charter provisions, and rules of any governmental agency relating to planning, zoning, construction standards for subdivisions, development and improvement of land and the construction of units thereon.”
The cost of the Kahoma Village Project is projected at approximately $60 million. The project will be initiated upon receipt of the Section 201H-38, HRS approval, SMA Use Permit and applicable construction-related permits. The project is anticipated to take 48 months to complete.