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Maui Brewing Company to host benefit night for the birds

By Staff | Sep 20, 2012

The Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project’s main research is centered on the rare and endangered Maui Parrotbill, or Kiwikiu. This bird is only found high in the forests of Haleakala. Banded individuals and resights of these birds are used to determine territories, pairs and productivity. This research will guide state and federal recovery actions. PHOTO TAKEN BY ROBBY KOHLEY, DLNR/DOFAW.

KAHANA – Since September 2009, Maui Brewing Company has been hosting benefit nights for the Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project.

The project is a research organization created in 1997 by the state Division of Forestry and Wildlife and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

MFBRP’s mission is to develop and implement techniques that recover Maui’s endangered birds and to restore their habitats through research, development and application of conservation techniques.

On benefit nights on Sept. 28 and Dec. 28 from 6 p.m. to midnight, half of the night’s pint sales will go to MFRBP. The project will use these funds to help save the unique birds of Maui.

Maui Brewing Company is located at the Kahana Gateway Shopping Center at 4405 Honoapiilani Highway. For more information, visit www.mauiforestbirds.org or www.mauibrewingco.com.