Program to revision Lahaina harbor front
LAHAINA – On August 30, IMAGINE, a series of three public workshops, will launch a nine month project to develop a community vision and interpretive plan for the Lahaina harbor front.
According to Theo Morrison, executive director of Lahaina Restoration Foundation, conflicting and overlapping uses are eroding the historical, cultural and social ambiance in addition to the public enjoyment of the area.
Bounded by Market Street to the North, King Kamehameha III School to the South and Front Street, mauka, the harbor front is the heart of the Historic District.
The first two evening workshops are free, and the third all-day seminar includes a $12 charge for lunch.
All workshops will be held at the Pioneer Inn.
On Thursday, August 30th, from 6 to 8 p.m., Gary Toth, Director of Transportation Initiatives with the Project for Public Spaces, will lead an interactive session focusing on what makes Lahaina a walkable and pedestrian friendly place.
This first presentation,”Streets as Places,” offers a completely new way to think about streets.
Complimentary coffee and dessert will be served beginning at 5:30 p.m.
The second workshop will be held on September 4th at 6 p.m. Alan Fujimori, Urban Designer and Landscape Architect, will make the presentation, with a focus on identifying specific functional problems and opportunities in the harbor area and also their potential solutions.
Complimentary coffee and dessert will be served beginning at 5:30 pm.
On Monday, September 10, Dave Bucy, an interpretive planning specialist, will be meeting with small groups and individuals to gather feedback on the history and culture of the area as well as current use patterns. The breakout sessions will be held on the makai library lawn all day. Call Lahaina Restoration Foundation at 661-3262 to participate.
The focus on establishing a vision for the harbor front continues on September 11 with a workshop to develop a plan for bringing the rich history and culture of the area to life, including identifying and discussing key stories, determining potential locations for telling those stories and discussing the role of the storytelling strategies in achieving the vision.
This workshop will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and includes a $12 fee for lunch. Register by calling Lahaina Restoration Foundation at 661-3262.
IMAGINE is presented by Lahaina Restoration Foundation and sponsored by the County of Maui Planning Department, Pioneer Inn, NPAC and the Department of Health Healthy Hawaii`i Initiative.
For more information call Lahaina Restoration Foundation at 661-3262 or visit