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Volunteers sought for LIS School Community Council

By Staff | Aug 23, 2012

LAHAINA – Lahaina Intermediate School seeks interested persons to fill upcoming vacancies on the School Community Council.

There are three positions open, each with a two-year term of service: student, parent and community member.

The School Community Council meets on a quarterly basis and is a major part of the overall leadership structure at the school.

The SCC is a group of people elected by their peers to advise the principal on specific matters that affect student achievement and school improvement.

Anyone interested in volunteering for one of these very important positions should contact the school at 662-3965 or visit the school office any weekday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. to pick up a nomination form.

Forms need to be submitted to the school by Wednesday, Sept. 12, for the names to be included on the ballot.

An election will be held at the school on Friday, Sept. 14. All community members are welcome to participate in the election by coming to the school and requesting a SCC election ballot.

The election will be held between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. The names of the new SCC members will be posted on the school website the following week.