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Royal Lahaina to rock at third annual ‘Savor the Sunset’

By Staff | May 31, 2012

LAHAINA – “Savor the Sunset,” the third annual Rotary Club of Lahaina fundraiser to complete the facelift of Lahaina Public Library, will literally rock June 22 with an all-evening performance of the JD on the Rocks Band, the popular local group that has been packing them in at Leilani’s on the Beach and more recently the Pioneer Inn.

“JD’s many followers, as well as everyone who attends, will be in for a real treat,” reported program Chair Liz May, who attended a recent performance of the band at Pioneer Inn, at which patrons danced nearby on Hotel Street.

Dancing in the street won’t be necessary, since guests will be able to dance all night long barefoot if they choose on the ocean lawn at the Royal Lahaina Resort.

JD’s website lists more than 100 songs that are part of the band’s repertoire, including love songs, beach party and dance favorites, country music, oldies and sing-a-longs.

“We have four-star attractions,” Rotary Club President Eric van Ketel added. “There’s the band, a free wine tasting, fine cuisine pupus and a planned 400 guests talking story in their best finery.

“This fundraiser culminates three years of hard work putting together and preparing for implementation of a unique plan to modernize the library’s interior without use of public funds,” he continued.

“If we can repeat the attendance of last year, we will be able to complete the facelift financing and even get a head start on funding for a completely re-landscaped front yard for the library, which we hope to accomplish in 2013.”

The $280,000 project has gotten its biggest boost from 15 contractors who are donating construction work and other services.

Tickets are $50 in advance and $60 at the door, with tables of ten going for a bargain $450. Purchases can be made at 5A Rent-A-Space (669-5200) or by calling the Royal Lahaina Resort at 661-3611, extension 2291.

Rotary is still looking for more auction items.