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Lahaina Plantation Days event kicks off Thursday

By Staff | Oct 20, 2011

Mike Jones uses windows salvaged from an old plantation home to build the rooms that will be showcased in the Plantation Life Tent.

LAHAINA – With the kickoff for the third annual Lahaina Plantation Days just hours away, Lahaina Restoration Foundation’s staff and a team of dedicated volunteers are putting the finishing touches to the event’s many activities that will be held next to the historic Pioneer Mill Smokestack on Lahainaluna Road.

Thousands of residents and visitors are expected to attend this three-day celebration of West Maui’s plantation roots from Thursday, Oct. 20, through Saturday, Oct. 22.

The event begins on Thursday with a Family Movie Night featuring the documentary “Great Grandfather’s Drum,” a celebration of Japanese-American culture and history in Hawaii. Gates open at 6 p.m.

On Friday and Saturday from 5 to 10 p.m., the public will enjoy a myriad of foods from Lahaina’s favorite restaurants, a new locomotives exhibit, Plantation Life Tent with historical displays and updated camp maps, Pioneer Mill Company exhibit, Japanese cultural area, beer and wine garden, farmers’ market, keiki carnival games and horse rides, and the best of island music. This year’s entertainers will include Da Braddahs, Richard Ho’opi’i, Makaha Sons, Na Wa, WaiLa, Josh Kahula & Friends, Mele Pono, Maui Taiko Drummers and more.

“This year, we have an incredible lineup of activities, including new historical displays,” said Theo Morrison, Lahaina Restoration Foundation’s executive director.

“Our new steam locomotives exhibit is a welcome addition to the interpretative area, and our Plantation Life Tent will feature rooms reminiscent of an old plantation home with the newest artifacts donated by the community.”

Tickets will be sold at the door for $3 per night or $5 for a three-day event pass; keiki five and under are free. For information, visit www.LahainaRestoration.org/PlantationDays.