Participants sought for Na Kamehameha Commemorative Pa‘u Parade

Last year, pa‘u rider Anela Haina represented Oahu. Photo by Jordan Moore.
LAHAINA — With the theme “Wahine Holo Lio — Honoring The Noble Tradition of Pa’u Riding,” Na Kamehameha Commemorative Pa’u Parade and Ho’olaule’a will be held in Lahaina on Saturday, June 18.
Front Street will close at 8:30 a.m. The ho’olaule’a will begin at 9 a.m. in a new location, Kamehameha ‘Iki Park, and the colorful parade from Kenui Street down Front Street to Shaw Street will start at 9:45 a.m. Commentators’ stations will be increased to seven locations along the parade route, including Longhi’s, Kimo’s, Cheeseburger in Paradise, Lahaina Pizza Company, The Wharf Cinema Center and entertainment stage at Kamehameha Iki Park.
The event’s planning committee seeks parade participants. Applications for walking and marching units, floats, decorated vehicles and pa’u princess/units can be downloaded at the State Commission for King Kamehameha Celebration Commission at
Following the parade, a ho’okupu ceremony will be held at at Moku’ula Ahu.
Slated to run until sunset at the park next to 505 Front Street, the free ho’olaule’a will include exhibits and tours, Makahiki games with Kula Kaiapuna ma Nahienaena, pa’u and parade awards, food booths, Maui made crafts and entertainment by local musical artists, halau hula and Polynesian dancers. Toddy Lilikoi will serve as emcee.
Hui O Wa’a Kaulua (Assembly of the Double-Hulled Canoe) will have an exhibit and offer walking tours of its voyaging canoes.
The Friends of Moku’ula will hold a walking tour of Moku’ula, Lahaina Restoration Foundation will set up a Pre-Contact to Monarchy Exhibit, and the Royal Guard will have an exhibit.
Locals and visitors can meet and greet the pa’u princesses and riders, view a pa’u documentary and see the riders’ intricate lei.
The Lahaina Hawaiian Civic Club will host the Maui Made Arts & Crafts at the ho’olaule’a. The fair will have a sustainability theme and feature Maui artisans, crafters and businesses.
Planning co-chairs for this year’s event are Daryl Fujiwara of Smythe Fujiwara Design and Matthew Erickson of the Lahaina Hawaiian Civic Club. Pa’u co-chairs are Crystal Smythe and Sue Lincoln.
For more information on the parade and ho’olaule’a, call (808) 264-8779.