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DOCARE officials to discuss marine resource regulations

By Staff | Oct 7, 2010

LAHAINA — A community meeting conducted by the Kaanapali Makai Watch program will host officials from the state Division of Conservation and Resource Enforcement (DOCARE). Set for Monday, Oct. 11, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Lahaina Civic Center, the meeting will be an informal “talk story” session to discuss marine resource rules and regulations, and how the public can help DOCARE through their observations and by reporting incidents.

The Makai Watch program presents one avenue for the community to address these questions.

This statewide program consists of three components: 1) education and outreach; 2) monitoring; and 3) observation/incident reporting.

An effort is currently under way to develop and standardize protocols for volunteer observations and incident reporting.

In partnership with Makai Watch groups across the state, the state Department of Land & Natural Resources will coordinate a series of training workshops later in the year.

Monday’s meeting is being conducted as a local interim effort by the Kaanapali Makai Watch program to provide a forum for the public to informally engage with DOCARE and learn a few key steps that can be taken in support of marine resource management and enforcement.

It will also be an opportunity to learn more about the Kahekili Herbivore Fisheries Management Area, its rules and regulations, and why they are in place.

In addition, the Lahaina meeting will give attendees the opportunity to provide feedback and pose questions to DOCARE, which will ultimately help shape the upcoming official observation and incident reporting workshops themselves.

An online survey has been posted for the public to contribute to this effort; it can be found at www.surveymonkey.com/s/MakaiWatchSurveySept2010.

The Kaanapali Makai Watch program continues to seek volunteers to assist with various opportunities in biological and human use monitoring, as well as education and outreach.

For updates on the two marine conservation programs, visit www.facebook.com/kaanapalimakaiwatch or www.facebook.com/KHFMA.

For information on the meeting, contact Kaanapali Makai Watch program Co-coordinator Liz Foote at (808) 283-1631 or Lfoote@hawaii.rr.com.