Marten wants to put Hawaii on the path to sustainability

LAHAINA — Concerned about Hawaii’s future and ready to “stand up and fight for change,” Napili resident Chayne M. Marten is running for the State House District 10 seat.
He faces Ramon K. Madden in the Republican Primary on Sept. 18.
Marten, 57, said Hawaii’s government and economy “have been on a downward spiral long enough.”
“I am concerned about the future of our islands, and what will become of our keikis if we do not stand up and fight for change. I waited to see who was going to stand up for the Christian values we believe in. No one was willing to run for West Maui to defend our core principles such as God, family, community and a bright future for our keiki,” he continued.
“I have a strong sense of unity and respect for traditions. I will be diligent to listen, learn, and I promise never to raise taxes or fees. I will stand against any force that would mortgage our keiki’s future. It is time to reverse direction and take the path to sustainability. I will be part of a team that will push for term limits, campaign spending limits and government transparency. I am a new breed of statesmen that will put the people first and model what a representative should be.”
The Maui Green Team founder and green consultant believes the primary needs in District 10 (Lahaina, Kaanapali, Kapalua, Maalaea and North Kihei) include health care, supporting small businesses, improving public schools, protecting Honolua Bay and finding a solution for the homeless.
Marten feels West Maui needs a hospital and air ambulance to serve residents, the region’s many visitors and large population of senior citizens.
“We cannot put them at risk. Life is too precious to put this concern on the back burner,” he commented.
Marten called small businesses “the backbone of our economy.” He wants to see taxes reduced for merchants and families, and government help the business community.
“I would like to see government partner with small business by reducing roadblocks on their path to progress. Government should take the first step and help promote small business and prove they are willing and able to help,” Marten explained.
He believes state government can bolster the economy and create jobs by embracing clean energy and diversification.
“We should expand ecological sustainable agriculture, which will bring thousands of jobs to Hawaii and lower taxes for small business. Shortcut the waiting process to achieve set goals and promote small business. We can also use special funds to make sure we keep jobs of critical importance until we become more sustainable, at which time we will begin putting funds back into the kitty,” he said.
The candidate cited the economy, education and tort reform as the top three issues this election season.
Marten said residents are concerned about the economy, job losses and budget cuts.
One solution is to embrace clean energy.
“Clean energy will create thousands of jobs, but we must stand up to big oil and support industries that will employ people without destroying the economy and the environment. If we are to move forward, we have to lessen our dependency on oil, tourism and imports,” he added.
By supporting sustainable agriculture, diversification and entrepreneurial opportunities, Hawaii can create jobs, grow its own food and become exporters of exotic fruits, vegetables, nuts and flowers.
“My vision for an ecological sustainable form of agriculture is based on statewide support for family farms growing diverse crops. This system will create food security and sovereignty for our islands. We need to keep our best agricultural lands zoned for agriculture and continue to develop water infrastructure. Our institutions can develop educational programs that will train people to farm organic in the tropics,” Marten said.
“Our farms can recycle organic waste, which will increase soil health and form profitability. We need healthy solutions for pest control, and we can assist communities with knowledge for developing community and home gardens. Our rural economic development board can support direct marketing of agricultural products to farmers’ markets and local restaurants. It is time to move Hawaii to the forefront of the green age and become the model for clean energy and ecological sustainable agriculture.”
To improve education, Marten supports eliminating the cap on charter schools; expanding science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) instruction; decentralizing bureaucracy in the Department of Education; mandating that 90 percent of funding reaches the classrooms; and compensating teachers based on performance, not tenure.
“It is important to know what is going on in the classroom and on the school yard. Above all, our schools need to be safe for both our keiki and our teachers,” he commented.
“Our state has not taken advantage of millions of dollars in federal funds… to provide critical infrastructure improvements around schools, so that keiki have safe ways to school. Shouldn’t government facilitate the Safe Routes to School Program and use these funds? I would like to see seat belts on school buses. We must continue to think both inside and outside the box for creative ideas.”
Looking at health care and tort reform, Marten is concerned about Hawaii’s shortage of doctors and the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
“We need patient-centered health care reform. Unfortunately, the new health care law fails to adequately address physicians’ most pressing concerns, including tort reform — by far the biggest reform needed to bring down health care costs and the need for a permanent fix.
“We must not take the decision-making power out of the hands of physicians and patients and turn it over to government bureaucrats. They remain more committed to gaining additional power under the umbrella of government than on focusing on solutions that will reduce health care costs and lessen the burden on physicians.”
According to Marten, the federal act fails to address key problems that contribute to soaring health care costs and force doctors to leave their profession, including billing inefficiencies, malpractice insurance costs, rising graduate and medical expenses and mountains of paperwork.
“As a result of outrageous new mandates on physicians and falling reimbursement rates under Medicare, higher operating costs will force many doctors to sell their practice to local hospitals — an alarming trend that is spiking across the country. The public needs to know that these actions will have devastating consequences on the quality of medical care they’re used to receiving, including less patient choices and longer wait times for routine appointments,” he said.
“The solution is simple, but because our legislature is dominated by lawyers, we have a problem. They will not pass this kind of legislation… This is what I mean by special interests.”
“I will always put the people’s best interests first. If we are not going to be there to support doctors, don’t expect doctors to be there for us,” the candidate added.
Marten studied at Canada College, Bethany Bible College, Stanford University, Actors Conservatory of San Francisco and Screen Actors Guild Conservatory.
He has served with Odd Fellows, an organization that helps children in need, and volunteered as a kicking coach at Lahainaluna High School.
His political experience includes running for the West Maui seat on the County Council in 2008.
If elected, Marten is confident that he can work effectively with other lawmakers at the legislature.
“It is important that a legislator be able to sell his ideas to his colleagues and remember every legislator is there for a purpose — never make enemies. Instead, build alliances. It is important to know when to bend and when to stand firm. I have always admired those who stand firm, even when it is not politically correct but knowing it is the right thing to do,” he commented.
“We must work with the Democratic leadership, which is the majority in our government. By building bridges of common concerns, working together as a team, forming strong bonds and making peace is what is truly important. We must rekindle a conservative fiscal responsibility and require government to live under the same constraints as our families and our businesses. I will unite our parties to chart our future and a course we can all be proud of.”
Marten said GOP voters should choose him on Sept. 18, because he “will put Hawaii back to work and on a sustainable path by providing jobs, smaller government and hope.”
He supports streamlining government by improving efficiency and eliminating waste and duplication of services.
As a reform candidate, he favors establishing a smaller, full-time legislature; a two-term limit for state lawmakers; and campaign spending restrictions to reduce corruption.
“I started the Maui Green Team to help our people. Our motto is ‘Honoring Our Heritage, Embracing Our Diversity and Sharing Our Future,’ ” he stated.
“I am a family man married to my wife since college. We have three beautiful nine-year-olds. If I can manage baby boot camp with triplets, I can handle anything!”
Campaigning door-to-door, Marten is concerned that so many residents are struggling to make ends meet. He has spent less than $100 on his campaign and “ can’t bring myself to ask for contributions at a time such as this.”
“I may not have money, but I do have a hunger to serve you and a strong sense of purpose, hope and compassion. I ask not for power; instead I ask for prayer. I ask God for wisdom to lead our people. We desperately need God’s guidance — we cannot be overwhelmed by problems we see around us. Often we fail to pray, because we fail to realize just how powerful prayer is. It can affect our circumstances. We are called to pray for those in authority. Faith allows us to pray effectively for our government,” Marten said.
“Remember, by ourselves, we are powerless to change things. But when one person is backed up by thousands of individual people, then a movement is created, along with a voice that cannot be ignored. Together, we become a unstoppable force that can change our government for the better. Fighting for our rights is an ongoing battle I am willing to wage with your help. We can make a difference, but we must do more than the average person who will do nothing. I can help those who will help themselves. If you will stand up for me on election day, I will stand up for you every day of my 712-day term. I have been campaigning door-to-door listening to you and learning from you. Now I am ready to represent you as your legislator,” he concluded.