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2010 Volunteer Center Recognition Awards recipients announced

By Staff | May 13, 2010


WAILUKU — The County of Maui Department of Housing and Human Concerns announced the winners of the 2010 Volunteer Center Recognition Awards. The recipients were honored for their service to the community at a ceremony held last month during the third annual “Join Hands” Fair at the Queen Kaahumanu Shopping Center. Award recipients were nominated by the public.

Individual winners by category include: Raeann Mukini, Youth K-12; Gabriel Vista, Young Adult; Rodger Yamaoka, Adult 26-59 years; and Richard Endsley, Adult 60+ category.

Raeann Mukini, of the Boys and Girls Club of Maui, was also honored as Youth of the Year at the Central Maui Clubhouse and is an active member of the club’s Youth Tobacco Prevention Program. She spends four afternoons per week educating fourth and fifth graders about the risks of tobacco use.

Gabriel Vista volunteers three days per week at the Maui Food bank where he sorts and shelves food, provides routine maintenance and is responsible for assembling food packages for the senior mobile food pantry.

Rodger Yamaoka volunteers with youth baseball and soccer associations. He is on the field daily, scheduling games, mediating, mingling with youth and encouraging them to stay active.

Richard Endsley is the co-founder of the Lahaina After School Tutor Program, serving over 300 students per year.

He tutors students and supervises fellow volunteers involved in the project. During the summer, he remains active by preparing the following year’s curriculum and  material for students.

Endsley is also a board member of the Lahaina Restoration Foundation, president of the Lahaina Intermediate School Education Foundation and is a member of the Honolua Senior Citizen Club and LahainaTown Action Committee.

A special Legendary Longevity Award was presented to 92-year-old Lillian Takabayashi. Takabayashi has volunteered at the A & B Sugar Museum for 23 years. In her earlier years, she ran the gift shop and served as a historian sharing about the plantation. Currently, she volunteers two days per week and keeps the retail shop inventory up to date.

The County’s Volunteer Center strives to enhance the community by promoting the engagement of all residents and visitors in volunteerism. For more information, visit www.mauicounty.gov/volunteercenter or call 270-7150.