McKelvey offers online survey

King Kamehameha III Elementary School honored second grade teacher Anna Sprinkle — pictured with Principal Steve Franz — with Hula Grill’s “Educator of the Month” award for December. Other staff members who have been honored this school year include Claire Tillman, Leslie Lyon, Karen Pascual and Dana Gorelangton. Hula Grill has generously supported King Kamehameha III School with this award for the past 13 years.
LAHAINA — West and South Maui Rep. Angus McKelvey has introduced an online survey to gain feedback from the community on issues and gauge the priorities of residents on matters before the legislature this year.
People interested in participating can go to to take McKelvey’s 2010 legislative survey.
“The upcoming session will involve difficult decisions facing all of us, so it is essential to get the feedback of our community, so as we move forward on these issues, we can make decisions based upon the will of the people,” McKelvey said.
Although the survey is aimed at his constituents in District 10, McKelvey welcomes all Maui residents to participate. The survey touches on areas such as the economy, education, tax credits, infrastructure, government spending priorities and the permitting process.
“Going forward, we hope to continue to utilize the web as a no cost means of obtaining current and timely feedback from our constituents, and help eliminate the barriers for people to weigh in on these issues as they evolve during the session,” McKelvey concluded.
For more information, contact Rep. McKelvey’s office at 984-2400, extension 66160, or