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Meeting to feature updates on West Maui projects

By Staff | Jan 14, 2010

More than 300 riders from The Street Bikers United Hawaii-Maui Chapter participated in the group’s “Toys for Tots” run on Dec. 20, which culminated at Lahaina Cannery Mall. An unprecedented 1,200 toys were collected for the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys for Tots Program and ended up in the small hands of Maui’s less fortunate.

LAHAINA — Residents can hear the latest news on the West Maui Hospital and Medical Center and other important projects in the area at the West Maui Taxpayers Association’s 2010 Annual Meeting tonight.

Mayor Charmaine Tavares will offer opening remarks at the meeting today, Thursday, Jan. 14, at Lahaina Civic Center. 

Registration begins at 5 p.m., with a brief WMTA business meeting starting at 5:30. The program will follow.

Dinner will be provided free by Outback Steakhouse Lahaina. The West Maui community is invited and encouraged to attend.

The meeting will feature presentations on the Lahaina Bypass, West Maui Hospital, affordable housing projects and the proposed Kaanapali 2020 development. Representatives will be present at tables to offer information on projects and programs.

“West Mauians should attend this meeting to get answers and updates on the vital projects under way in West Maui for not only the hospital, but affordable housing and traffic roadway improvements. A delicious Outback steak dinner is an added bonus,” said Joe Pluta, WMTA president.

The WMTA Annual Meeting has attracted 250-300 attendees in recent years. The event will be videotaped for  broadcast on public television and posted online at www.westmaui.org.

WMTA is a nonprofit organization founded in 1974 to provide an organized voice of support for public and private improvements to benefit the West Maui community. 

 For information on the meeting, call WMTA Executive Director Ezekiela Kalua at 280-9111 or 661-7990.