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Maui Mall Village to hold free holiday events

By Staff | Nov 24, 2023

KAHULUI — Maui Mall Village is ready to help spread some well-deserved cheer on the Valley Isle with a series of events throughout the holiday season.

There will be opportunities to take free “selfies” with Santa, participate in a special community food drive, delight in live entertainment and jump-start holiday shopping while supporting local and national businesses of all sizes. The center’s family-friendly experiences are free to attend.

Joyful Giving, a Holiday Food Drive with Maui Food Bank: Through Dec. 23 — Community members are invited to join in the Maui Mall Village Joyful Giving holiday food drive, benefiting the Maui Food Bank. With so many families still in recovery following the devastating wildfires, it’s especially important to give what we can during the holiday season. Donations of dry goods and canned goods are being accepted through Saturday, Dec. 23, at designated bins located inside A Great Style and Cut and Round Table Pizza locations at Maui Mall Village during normal business hours. Donations can also be dropped off at Center Court on Nov. 25 during Hauʻoli Holidays at Maui Mall Village on Small Business Saturday, and during holiday events happening each Saturday in December.

Hauʻoli Holidays at Maui Mall Village on Small Business Saturday: Nov. 25, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. — Maui Mall Village presents a lineup of blissful activities on Small Business Saturday. There are many opportunities to celebrate local small businesses at Maui Mall Village on this shopping holiday. Kamaʻaina and visitors can get a head start on their holiday shopping list while taking in some holiday cheer.

Catch Santa’s arrival at Maui Mall Village, make a donation of non-perishable food to the center’s holiday food drive and take a free Santa + Elf “selfie” in front of a festive holiday-themed backdrop. Plus, enjoy live holiday entertainment throughout the afternoon at Center Court.

• From 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., take photos with Santa + Elf at Center Stage. Bring a donation of nonperishable food for the center’s Joyful Giving holiday food drive and take a free “selfie” with Santa and his Elf.

• From 12 to 1 p.m., enjoy the musical talent of singer-songwriter Jason Tepora.

• From 1 to 2 p.m., catch a performance by the gifted dancers of Hālau Hula O Keola Aliʻi O Kekai.

Mele Kalikimaka Magic: Saturday, Dec. 2, 9, 16 and 23 — Every Saturday leading up to Christmas, community members and visitors are invited to the center’s Mele Kalikimaka Magic featuring Santa + Elf photos and live holiday entertainment. Donate to the center’s Joyful Giving holiday food drive benefiting Maui Food Bank and other local non-profits, including Maui Humane Society and the Laulima Giving Program – Maui, to take a free “Selfie with Santa.”

Here’s the Mele Kalikimaka Magic schedule:

Saturday, Dec. 2:

3 to 5 p.m., Santa + Elf Photos;

5 to 6 p.m., Hui! Lanakila Productions.

Saturday, Dec. 9:

3 to 5 p.m., Santa + Elf Photos;

5 to 6 p.m., Zumba Fitness Dance for Tots with Hot Lava Maui benefiting the Laulima Giving Program – Maui.

Saturday, Dec. 16:

3 to 5 p.m., Santa + Elf Photos;

5 to 6 p.m., Kamehameha Schools Middle School Ukulele Group.

Saturday, Dec. 23:

3 to 5 p.m., Santa + Elf Photos;

5 to 6 p.m., Brian Santana + Patrick Tavis.

For more information about Maui Mall Village, retail and restaurant sales and promotions, and upcoming events, visit www.mauimallvillage.com. Also, follow the center and tag @MauiMallVillage on Facebook and Instagram.