Mālama Wao Akua art exhibition celebrates the native species of Maui Nui

By providing the public with a creative and intimate way of interacting with Maui’s native species, artists help spark conservation and inspire care for the exceptional environments surrounding us.
MAKAWAO — Hui No’eau Visual Arts Center in collaboration with East Maui Watershed Partnership (EMWP) present the 19th annual Mālama Wao Akua – a juried art exhibition celebrating the native species of Maui Nui.
This special exhibition will be on display in the hui’s gallery space now through Nov. 3. The gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with free admission.
This collaborative exhibition aims to raise awareness about protecting our islands’ unique ecosystems and species. The Hui and EMWP believe artists have a powerful and vital role to play in our local conservation efforts.
This year’s jurors were Kirk Kurokawa, visual artist; and Dr. Scott Fisher, Director of ʻĀina Stewardship at Hawaiian Islands Land Trust, who selected works among 254 entries from elementary school, middle school, high school and adult divisions.
A total of 84 Maui artists are represented in the exhibition, all highlighting and bringing awareness to the native plant and animal species of Maui Nui (Maui, Lana’i, Moloka’i, Kaho’olawe).
The community is invited to learn more about Maui’s conservation efforts from leading experts during the exhibition’s “Talk Story” Thursdays. Talks are free, open to the public, and will take place on the following dates:
– Sept. 21 at 5 p.m.: Zach Pezzillo, Technician for Maui Nui Plant Extinction Prevention Program;
– Oct. 12 at 5 p.m.: Michael Walker – State Fire Protection Forester, DLNR/DOFAW;
– Oct. 19 at 5 p.m.: Keahi Bustamente, Maui Nui Program Coordinator for Hawaiʻi Invertebrate Program, DLNR/DOFAW;
– Nov. 2 at 5 p.m.: Dr. Arthur Medeiros, Program Manager for Auwahi Forest Restoration Project.
Additionally, each Friday throughout the exhibition from 10 a.m. to noon, a conservation gallery docent will be on hand to provide an enhanced gallery viewing experience. Visit huinoeau.com or malamawaoakua.org to learn more about exhibition-related events.
Support for the exhibition is provided by Hawai’i Tourism Authority through the Community Enrichment Program.
For more information about the exhibition, contact Hui No’eau Exhibitions Manager Josephine Bergill-Gentile at josephine@huinoeau.com or (808) 572-6560, extension 23.
Contact Allison Borell at East Maui Watershed Partnership for information about community and school programs, or for information about the watershed, at pr@eastmauiwatershed.org or (808) 268-1475.