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Jazz Maui to present ‘Concert in the Park’

By Staff | Jun 30, 2023

LAHAINA — Jazz Maui will present “Concert in the Park,” the annual Fourth of July Celebration, on Tuesday, July 4.

The music begins at 5 p.m. in James Campbell Park at 684 Front St. (next to the Baldwin Home Museum) with performances by the Chop Suey Jazz Orchestra, Na Ali’i Big Band, and the Maui Community Band.

Fireworks after dark are the grand finale of the event. Those attending should bring their own mats or low-back beach chairs for seating. Admission is free.

The Chop Suey Jazz Orchestra, with more than 20 members, is a jazz band made up of local musicians, students and music educators under the direction of Casey Nagata.

The Na Ali’i Big Band is one of Maui’s premier ensembles for big band-style jazz and swing. Ranging from Basie to Maynard, this group of talented high schoolers focuses on the stylistic elements of jazz music as well as improvisational soloing.

The Maui Community Band was founded by the late Lisa Owen in 2003 and today has more than 40 members from all walks of life ranging in ages from 8-78.

Concert in the Park is sponsored by Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunrise, Lahaina Restoration Foundation, Arts Education for Children Group/Jazz Maui, Hawaii Tourism Authority, Maui Visitors and Convention Bureau, LahainaTown Action Committee, and County of Maui.

Jazz Maui, a branch of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit Arts Education for Children Group, provides opportunities for participation in high-quality jazz music education and performances. Throughout the year, Jazz Maui presents concerts, classes and clinics, and selected performances live-streamed on the organization’s website at www.JazzMaui.org.

For more information, visit www.JazzMaui.org, text (808) 283-3576 or e-mail info @aecg.org.