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The Color Festival Hawaii returns April 30

By Staff | Mar 25, 2022

The Color Festival Hawaii’s annual Group Color Throw is always a crowd favorite!

KAHULUI — The Color Festival Hawaii, Imua Family Services’ signature friend-raiser event, will emerge from its two-year slumber with a blast of multi-hued rainbows on Saturday, April 30, at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center.

The event is a celebration of our diverse community and the vibrancy that connects us all together.

Live music, delicious food and explosions of color are among the highlights at this open-air concert.

This year’s live music includes Kanekoa, Marty Dread & Gretchen Rhodes and the House Shakers, Eric Gilliom and Vince Esquire, Dr. Nat and Rio Ritmo, Brown Chicken Brown Cow String Band, Anthony Pfluke and Deejay Boomshot.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been filled with fear and uncertainty. As with many life-changing events throughout history, grandparents will pass down stories about this time to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The disruption has been global and affected every aspect of our lives, right down to our most basic need to be with one another.

Imua Family Services was born during the Polio Pandemic, another dark time in history that impacted children across Hawaii and the world. Those difficult beginnings solidified the organization’s unparalleled commitment to helping children in need for the past 75 years.

Through pandemics, storms or other crises, Imua Family Services has been committed to being present for the community’s children. Children with special needs, disabilities and developmental delays are among the most vulnerable in our islands.

It is crucial that while they are struggling with the world around them, they are supported through early childhood — the most critical time of their development. Add to this dilemma the stresses that parents are facing, the anxiety of making ends meet, and the inexperience families must overcome in helping their child(ren) with health or developmental needs, and the impacts can be devastating, both to the children and their families.

While we cannot erase these past two years, perhaps we can emerge from this shroud of darkness to seize this opportunity, revel in life’s light and colors and catch the proverbial rainbow.

Color Festivals originally began in India as Holi Festivals dating back to the Fourth Century. Color Festivals have since spread around the world and are also known as Festivals of Color or Festivals of Love.

These events signify the arrival of spring and end of winter, the victory of good over evil, and for many, a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forgive, repair and restore relationships. Some might also find this correlates with the meaning and message of Easter.

Combined with music and dancing, it is a perfect symbol of life, love and happiness.

Tickets to the Color Festival Hawaii are now available online through the Maui Arts & Cultural Center Box Office at www.mauiarts.org.

The Saturday, April 30, event opens at noon and will feature a Group Color Throw at 5:30 p.m. In addition to live music, Maui food trucks will also be in attendance to provide “ono grindz” and sweet treats.

Tickets are $30, with discounted student tickets available at $20; admission is free for keiki five years old and younger.

The Color Festival Hawaii is presented by Imua Family Services and Maui Times and co-produced by Eric Gilliom. Event sponsors include Maui Now, Maui Health, DaJam 98.3, Maui Jim, Minit Medical, Baur Pacific Builders, Theatrix Hawaii, and Maui Brewing Co. More information is available at www.colorfestivalhawaii.org.