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Celebrate Christmas with the Lim Family

By Staff | Dec 18, 2014

KAHULUI – Come celebrate the holiday season with the angelic voices of Kohala’s “First Family of Hawaiian Music” at Lim Family Christmas at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 20, in the Maui Arts & Cultural Center’s Castle Theater.

The family has been performing on the Kohala Coast for over four decades. Elmer Lim Sr. and Mary Ann started their family on the slopes of the Kohala Mountain range on what is now known as Pu’u Hue.

Both Elmer and Mary Ann loved to sing, and they often entertained at the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel in a trio called Lehuanani Serenaders. They taught their children (Leialoha, Nani, Charmaine, Elmer Jr., Lorna and Kimo) to sing while taking long family excursions around the island of Hawaii.

In 1977, the Lims entered a talent contest, winning first place and a recording contract. Their first album, “Sounds of Kohala,” was produced; since then, the family has released numerous recordings, as a family and on many other solo/collective projects.

The Lims now invite you to join them “in the parlor” with the family… Mele Kalikimaka!

Tickets: are $12, $25, $35 or $45; call 242-SHOW.