Maui Theatre brings two world- renowned shows to Maui

John Stephan performs Roy Orbison’s “Pretty Woman.”
LAHAINA – Maui Theatre last week announced the addition of two new shows to its entertainment schedule in late June: “You Got It!” – a salute to Roy Orbison starring award-winning singer/songwriter John Stephan – and “The Spanish Guitar,” a riveting Latin music and dance experience with Emmy Award-winning guitarist Benise.
“We are very excited about these two world-class acts being a part of our Maui Theatre ‘ohana,” said General Manager Dennis Preussler.
“By being able to offer ‘Ulalena, ‘You Got It!’ and ‘The Spanish Guitar,’ we’ve added a whole new dimension of diversity to entertainment on the West Side, for both visitors and local residents alike. Plus, all three shows will be hiring additional cast and crew members from right within our islands, so there will be new job opportunities available for our community.”
“Maui has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. The local community is warm and inviting,” said Australia’s Stephan. “I am excited to make Maui my new home!”
To accommodate the three shows, Maui Theatre will now open its doors for two performances nightly, and one special matinee show on Mondays.

Benise stars in “The Spanish Guitar,” which is coming soon to Maui Theatre in Lahaina.
The weekly schedule (subject to change) is: ‘Ulalena at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; “You Got It!” at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, and 8:30 p.m. on Friday; and “The Spanish Guitar” at 8:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.
Special matinee shows featuring Stephan and Benise will be held at 2 p.m. on Monday.
Kama’aina rates will be available.
“We are very fortunate that the tremendous success of ‘Ulalena has laid the groundwork for Maui Theatre to be able to offer our venue to shows like this, and in turn, offer Maui and Hawaii some really amazing entertainment,” Preussler said.
More information about grand opening performance dates for “You Got It!” and “The Spanish Guitar” – as well as various full- and part-time job openings for the shows – will be released soon.
For more information, visit
- Benise stars in “The Spanish Guitar,” which is coming soon to Maui Theatre in Lahaina.