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Concert to benefit Bailey House Museum

By Staff | Apr 18, 2013


WAILUKU – The Maui Historical Society and friends will host their monthly fundraiser concert series, “Hawaiian Moonlight,” on Saturday, April 20.

The event is set for 6 to 9 p.m. on the grounds of the Bailey House Museum at 2375A Main St. in Wailuku.

The entertainment will feature George Kahumoku Jr. and friends, who volunteer their talent and organize stage performances of Hawaiian music as their way of “giving back” to the Bailey House Museum.

Bring your blanket or a low-back beach chair and enjoy the evening listening to music under the moon and stars. Limited seating is available for kupuna on a first-come, first-seated basis.

The museum will be open to those who appreciate Hawaiian history and artifacts. The Museum Shop will also be open to offer products by local craftspeople for sale, and Maui artists will be present to show and sell their art.

Bring a cooler with snacks if you like; water and soda will be available for purchase.

Tickets are $25 ($20 for Maui Historical Society members), which includes admission to the Bailey House Museum before and during the concert. Children under 12 are admitted free with a paid adult.

Tickets can be purchased online at www.mauimuseum.org on the home page or under “Special Events.” For more information, call 244-3326.