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MAPA teens to present the musical ‘Narnia’

By Staff | Jun 28, 2012

The White Witch (Sydney Roberts, center) and her minion the Dwarf (Isaac Rauch, left) entice Edmund (Nathan Sullivan) to try some Turkish Delight candy in MAPA’s production of the musical “Narnia” at Steppingstone Playhouse. Photo by David Hessemer.

WAILUKU – Step through the wardrobe into the enchanting world of Narnia, as the talented teens of MAPA’s Teen Summer Musical Theatre Camp bring C.S. Lewis’ classic story to life.

With generous support from Auriol Naquin Flavell, Frost Family Fund of the Hawaii Community Foundation (HCF), Kent & Polli Smith Family Fund of the HCF and the Bill Pigott Scholarship, Maui Academy of Performing Arts (MAPA) will present the musical “Narnia” at Steppingstone Playhouse.

Appropriate for audiences of all ages, “Narnia” will run June 29 to July 8 on Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Steppingstone Playhouse is located upstairs in Queen Ka’ahumanu Center near the parking structure.

Tickets are $14 for adults and $10 for students 18 and under; visit www.mauiacademy.org, call 244-8760 or buy tickets at the Customer Service Kiosk at Queen Ka’ahumanu Center.

The cast of 51 young performers ages 12-20 is training and rehearsing daily under the expert guidance of Director Sally Sefton, Musical Director Kirsten Otterson, Choreographer Amelia Nelson and Acting Teacher Francis Tau’a.

Other instructors in the camp include David C. Johnston and Carolyn Wright for acting and Daniel Vicars for fight choreography. The designers include Annika Otterson and Kathleen Schulz for costumes, Kamalei Warrington and Kathleen Schulz for hair and make-up, and Amy Lord for scenic and lighting design.