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Maui County’s Outstanding Older Americans 2024 nominations sought; deadline is March 15

By Staff | Feb 29, 2024

The County of Maui Office on Aging is seeking nominations for its 55th annual Outstanding Older American Male and Female of Maui County.

“The recognition program is held each May in conjunction with Older Americans Month to recognize older adults across the nation for their extraordinary efforts and contributions to society,” said Rowena Dagdag-Andaya, County Executive for the Office on Aging.

Nominees for the awards must be 65 years of age or older and residents of Maui County. Any individual, club or organization may nominate candidates for the award. Previous winners are not eligible for nomination.

Nomination forms are available through the Maui County Office on Aging by calling 808-270-7755, going online at www.mauicountyadrc.org or by emailing mcoa.adrc@co.maui.hi.us.

The deadline is 4:30 p.m., March 15 to return completed nomination forms to the Office on Aging, J. Walter Cameron Center, Attn: OOA Committee, 95 Mahalani St., Room 20, Wailuku 96793. Completed forms may also be faxed to (808) 270-7935 or emailed to mcoa.adrc@co.maui.hi.us.

The awards will be presented on May 10. The annual program recognizes older Americans for their contributions and emphasizes the overall positive outcomes in helping others.

This year’s theme, selected by the Administration for Community Living, is “Powered By Connection,” which recognizes the profound impact that meaningful relationships and social connections have on our health and well-being. The theme encourages people to explore the vital role that connectedness plays in supporting independence and aging in place by combating isolation, loneliness and other issues.

Wendell Crockett was the first person in Maui County to receive the distinction of Outstanding Older American in 1968. Last year, the Maui County Office on Aging presented the awards to Betty Yamashiro of Kahului, Judith Mikami of Kaunakakai and Stephen Kealoha of Pukalani. To date, more than 100 men and women have received this distinction for their outstanding contributions to Maui County.

For more information, call the Maui County Office on Aging at 808-270-7755 or visit www.mauicountyadrc.org.