Impact your community by volunteering on county boards and commissions
WAILUKU — Want to make your mark on the communities within Maui County? Maui County boards and commissions need volunteers for more than 40 panels, including Council on Aging, Maui Planning Commission, Police Commission, Salary Commission, Board of Water Supply, and Fire and Public Safety Commission.
The deadline to submit applications for terms ending next year is Nov. 30, 2023. Also, applications are accepted year-round to fill vacancies.
Responsibilities include hearing public testimony, reviewing policies and standards and making recommendations. Positions are appointed by the mayor, confirmed by Maui County Council and have terms lasting two to five years. While no monetary compensation is provided for serving on a board or commission, participation helps provide an important government service and shape the future of our community.
For a full list of vacancies, descriptions of the boards and commissions, and to apply online, visit
Paper applications are available at the Maui County Business and Resource Center at 110 ‘Ala’ihi St., Suite 209, in Kahului and at the county’s Kalana O Maui Building second floor Information Desk at 200 S. High St. in Wailuku.
For more information, visit, e-mail or call (808) 270-7855.