Salvation Army and Walmart join forces to bring joy to keiki this holiday season

Charmaine K. Hauanio-Kuewa, divisional director of development for The Salvation Army Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division, said: “We recognize that this year is particularly tough because of the impact of the wildfires, with many facing job losses, and economic hardships. We are here to provide support, encouragement, and hope.”
KAHULUI — In the spirit of giving and community support, The Salvation Army is proud to announce the upcoming “Maui County’s Angel Tree Distribution” event set to take place at Maui Walmart’s special Winter Wonderland scene on Nov. 18 and 19, 2023.
The Salvation Army’s cherished Angel Tree tradition aims to make the holiday season a little brighter for families who face financial hardships and provide Christmas gifts for their children. Walmart has generously donated more than 30,000 toys to The Salvation Army that will be used in this and other efforts this holiday season.
Amidst the challenges faced by the Maui community, The Salvation Army, in collaboration with Walmart, has undertaken a mission to distribute these toys to children between the ages of 0 and 15. For many Maui families, the Angel Tree Distribution event is a lifeline, ensuring that their children experience the joy of the holiday season despite the challenges they face throughout the year.
The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program has been a beacon of hope for countless families — a tradition offering gifts and support to those in need for over 40 years.
This year’s need is greater than ever. The devastating wildfires have deeply affected Maui and have disrupted the lives of many families on the island. Thousands have been displaced from their homes, while many others are being indirectly affected as they face financial hardship and instability, as well as job losses and business closures, due to the economic damage the fires have caused.
“Financial difficulties should never stand in the way of a child’s joy during the holidays. The Angel Tree Distribution event is a testament to our commitment to helping Maui families overcome these challenges and we are grateful for the generosity and long-time collaboration we share with Walmart to lift the spirits of our community,” said Charmaine K. Hauanio-Kuewa, divisional director of development for The Salvation Army Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division.
Registration for this event is now live and open to all children across Maui. Registration is a necessary step to ensure that thousands of toys find their way into the hands of our precious keiki, and that each child receives the gift that is most age-appropriate and fitted to them.
Maui Families, parents and guardians are encouraged to sign up at by Nov. 15. This registration process also allows families to secure an appointment time for the distribution event, guaranteeing a seamless and memorable experience for all involved.
“Our hearts and thoughts continue to go out to those affected by the Maui fires,” said Chris Pierce, store manager for Maui Walmart. “Through the years, Walmart has been so embraced by the Maui community; it is our honor to be able to give back to our neighbors during this time of need and to be allowed to bring some comfort and joy during the holidays with the donation of these toys.”