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King Kamehameha III Elementary School seeks substitute teachers

By Staff | Nov 19, 2021

LAHAINA — King Kamehameha III Elementary School needs substitute teachers.

Principal Steve Franz noted, “It has been a challenge this year to fill the daily vacancies. If you, or someone you know, works well with children and would like to join the KK III team, please go to the link below and get the application process started.”

The link is: https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/Employment/JobOpportunities/Pages/Substitute-teachers.aspx.

Here is some basic information regarding the process:

1) You will need to complete a Substitute Teacher Certification program. There are several to choose from. King Kamehameha III Elementary School recommends the STEDI Subskills option. It is online and can be completed fairly quickly and easily. A college degree is not required.

2) Daily rates range from $157 to $184 based on your education level.

3) Submit an application online.

4) Attestation of COVID-19 testing or vaccination is required.

5) A background check and fingerprinting are required. More detailed information is available at the link to the state Department of Education website.

“If you have questions, please call the school, 662-3955 and they will be happy to help you,” Principal Franz wrote.

“Please share this opportunity with others and help keep King Kamehameha III school open and fully staffed.”